BRC Cafe, Morning Ferry Service, Transportation Alternatives Serves BRC Coffee
The BRC Cafe is taking shape fast, with a French Roast-toned blackened and waxed steel countertop and hand-milled teak bar face. Ooh-la-la! And we've been interviewing first-rate baristas right and left, with several aces already lined up to start work soon. If you know any deadeye espresso gunslingers, send 'em our way.
Also, we're preparing to launch three new mini-BRC cafes aboard the new NY Waterways Ferries, stopping in Brooklyn Bridge Park, Williamsburg, Greenpoint, LI City, before heading in to 34th St in Manhattan before returning to Brooklyn. NY Waterways is offering free travel for its first two weeks of operation and we will follow suit by serving commuters free coffee during the same period. Allllll Aboooooard!!!!!
This morning marks the first in a summertime series of Transportation Alternative/Brooklyn Roasting Company collaborations at the Brooklyn bike-lane entrances to the three Brooklyn Bridges. Two or three times each week, TA will be offering cups of single origin BRC varietals to bicyclist commuters headed into the city and helping all of us breath a little easier by not burning gasoline. Say "Hi!!" if you're riding by.
We'd like to welcome Janel, Beth and Dulce to the BRC team. They'll be learning the basics in every department--cupping, roasting, serving, packaging, and delivering, before taking on their roles as baristas aboard the ferries and in our shop.
Summer is clearly here and the 80+ heat means a explosion of cold coffee infusion brewing around the city. BRC's IgBroo cold brew coffee systems feature muslin cloth bags instead of wasteful and costly paper filters. These make five gallons at a clip; we're exploring the possibilities of building Ig Brutes with 20 gallon capacities.